Blog 56 Choose the Light (Gary)
I’ll get back to the point. I notice that any time I go somewhere, I do people's inventories. Part of me is always contrasting and comparing, evaluating and judging. Hell, I do it just driving down the street comparing houses, cars, people, almost everything in my field of vision. Recently, I have made a real effort to stop this dark practice of projecting shadow on everything, realizing it's the ego that is always on alert to protect, defend, or fight for itself. I notice when I stop this mind chatter I automatically shift my focus to more productive aspects of life. It's a positive shift. In other words, I bring in light rather than dark energy. When I do this I am automatically more productive. So sometimes I walk in the shade and shadow, and sometimes I choose the light. Today I choose more light. I am separating from my mother’s shadow. I end my allegiance to her cause. I fight the negative imprinting we all have from our parents rather than surrender and be just like them. I had to choose: Will I be awake, or be asleep and unconscious of choice? That is part of the work of therapy.