Blog 57

Earth School (Gary)

            I believe we are all here to learn something, otherwise what the fuck.  Life is a school for the soul and if you don’t get the lesson it will be repeated.  I hate those repeats.

            I wasn’t hungry for the learning.  I was starved, literally starving. 

            I feel that past generations were forced to choose more of a shadow way of thinking in order to survive.  We have the greater luxury of conscious thought to choose which one will predominate.

Some go numb, some awaken,

some are just shaken—by Nature.

It is the God-given caldron that blends

the best and worst of a man to go deep if he allows.

To stretch, wither, and die if he chooses.

I prefer awaken.

It chooses me and I choose it.

I am open to every smell,

every breeze, tree, flower that varies with each season,

the colors and shades, feathers, scat,

a rush in the brush. 

It is all vital to me.

Clean air, blown in from the coast,

blue skies, cloud formations always changing,

shadow and light, blackberries,

early morning feeding birds,

my track upon the ground. 

It is here in the dust I am most alive. 

I live here; I exist in the city; but I live here. 

This is where love comes from.

Its origin is here and I can feel it. 

We are born here and this is returning home for me. 

Thank you. 

Thank you for Love. 

It originated here and I feel in my heart that we all did. 

Home is in it.

In the earth. 

Maybe that's the body. 

The soul seeks a higher place, and as yet unknown to me. 

What might it be? 

Maybe it's flitting in and out of all of it, 

the whole spectrum of the universe. 

As I look out over the expanse of ocean,

breathe in the air,

I am enlivened:

to pull it all into my body and—soul. 

Drink in the river.  Swallow it whole. 

I am it, and it is me. 

Ah, so close to God. 

It is an energy that moves in all things. 

Spirit, Holy Spirit, no, Wholly Spirit. 

I soar with thee. 

There is a God for me and She is in everything

but clearly seen up close. 

Most clearly seen up close! 

Thank you.

This reminds me of Mothers, Sons, and Lovers where Michael Gurian talks about drinking in the sea of the feminine.  I now think of the Universe as the Divine Feminine or Divine Mother.  That is where I walk.  I walk with the Divine Mother.  She nurtures my soul.  She feeds me light and dark energy and makes me feel at home.  This is where I come from and this is where I go back to.  I am a part of it and it is a part of me.



Blog 58 Support (Gary)


Blog 56 Choose the Light (Gary)