Blog 46 “Don’t let those people have died for nothing” (Gary)
Mark and I were supposed to walk The Hill today. He called and said he couldn't make it. That was a big disappointment for both of us. However, he just moved, and was down because he had to downsize into a marginal neighborhood. His wife is suffering from anxiety, and he is clearly stressed. He is packing for Germany to speak at a conference on forgiveness. His presentation is based on his dissertation about the unique posttraumatic stress of the grandchildren of survivors of the Holocaust. Heavy shit.
I grab the picture of The Respite off my office wall to give to Mark. I am very attached to the picture but I know its better service at this time. It is also a token of my affection for him, and a sign of support for his mission. I drive to his house to send him off. He pulls up to my truck and I take out the picture. We both admire the detail offered in the watercolor paper I used to reprint the picture. He seemed detached, but I understood and allowed it to be.
We hug, I wish him well, and am motivated to say as I choke back emotions, "Don't let those people have died for nothing”. I didn't expect that to come up. I will think of him and his journey for his twelve days. It will be a strenuous trip to do alone with a wife who is in the middle of setting up a new house after a tough move. I tell him I will check in with her.