Blog 45 A Different Hill Today (Gary)

This one I climb by myself, and wind through the dry blond grass to the top of a small mountain a short distance away from a major mountain artery.  There is some traffic noise but I enjoy this piece of isolation.  I am sitting amongst old oaks in a barren space.  The ocean breeze whips around me.  I can look toward the ocean, but smoke from a forest fire keeps me from seeing beyond a distant ridge.  It's warm, about 72°, and few bugs to bother me, although they usually don't anyway.  I find the more you relax in places like this the more they leave you alone. 

           I am here early, waiting for the men in our Men of Fire group.  What a gift to be able to do my work here.  It's a dream fulfilled to be able to meet on a mountain.  Usually we meet in my garage (although I call it my barn for another desire).  We have been meeting here once a week for about a month.  Life is good. 

            Today I wear my new wedding ring (I have lost two).  I am determined to keep this one.  My wife gave it to me for our thirtieth wedding anniversary.  I guess I am a keeper.  I asked for this design—an elk in front of a mountain.  The name given to me in a Native American Naming Ceremony is Quiet Elk, which I changed after my New Warrior Weekend to Wild Elk.  Maybe it should be Crazy Elk.  You can decide that.



Blog 46 “Don’t let those people have died for nothing” (Gary)


Blog 44 Silence (Gary)