Blog 72 Perfectionism (Gary)

Perfectionism (Gary)

            All beings don't have to be perfect to be loved.  I guess that's why today I eat my beets from a can.  My wife hates that.  What can I say or do (smile, laugh)?  I am still lovable aren't I?  Aren't I?  Maybe that's where my anger comes from. 

            In a perfect world everyone would love one another.  So I try for another day to be perfect, and strive for a perfect world.  But I am constantly frustrated.  Let go, and accept what is shown.  Love Mark's dark side as I love my own.  Can I quit my assignment with “The Perfect Police?”  Imperfection is everywhere.  What would I do with all that extra time and energy?  Ha.  Sounds good.  I Quit!  Or at least I am off for now.  I am off.  I am off duty.

            As I begin to sign off from perfectionist duty, I look to my left and notice a newsletter from Massachusetts General Hospital, and my eyes go right to:  "Research published in the June 12th issue of the journal Neurology suggest that reducing negative emotions may be one way to significantly reduce the risk of developing memory troubles."  God is always watching and willing to teach if you pay attention to your surroundings. 

            “Notice, just notice,” I say to my clients and I have to repeat the phrase to myself on occasion.  It sometimes feels easier to just follow a familiar old script rather than open up to noticing the world where we live, and see it in a new way.




Blog 73 Important Companions (Gary)


Blog 71 Honor (Gary)