Blog 52 Completion (Gary)

I notice a slight pant as I edge up The Hill, and in just about the center of The Respite I let out three big sighs as if on automatic.  It has been a heavy day in my private practice, and I recognize the sound of my own grief, like carrying a heavy emotional load.  One man has threatened suicide, one told us last night he may have cancer, and another didn't show up for his appointment and may have relapsed, again, into his alcohol addiction.  No sooner do I realize my grief than I see a hummingbird slip its tiny beak into a pretty red cylinder of a flower.  Everything is okay now.  I leave The Respite and begin the steeper climb.  Ah, life is good, and I take in the air.  I notice this week that I am feeling good without my usual fantasy wonderings.  There has been little thought given to cars and real estate.  I am enjoying each moment there is to enjoy.  I occasionally ask myself how I am feeling, and when I stop to answer it has been to just notice that I am very comfortable. 

            How often do you allow yourself to “just notice” where you are?  It’s a way, with practice, that you can know yourself, or you can become a “human-doing,” as they say, rather than a “human-being.”



Blog 53 Men of Fire (Gary)


Blog 51 The Hawk Comes Home to Die (Gary)